About The Author

My Inspiration to Write This Book

So, where did I get the inspiration to write this book? Don’t get me wrong—I didn’t want to change Christmas to June. It’s just a metaphor. The message of this book is to bring the spirit of Christmas into our hearts every day, regardless of the month or day. Christmas is the most festive time of year, filling us with joy and hope and rekindling the childlike wonder in all of us.
While the characters in this book, like Maria and Pepe, are fictional, I’ve woven in some of my personal experiences, adding twists and crafting scenes to better convey the message and touch the hearts of readers.

I was once a scholar in the Philippines, and I’m forever grateful for the opportunity and the people who helped me along the way. Every semester, we had to submit our grades to ensure we remained eligible for the scholarship and its benefits. My mentor once told me that while good grades were important, I needed to balance my life and enjoy my time in college because it would pass quickly. He encouraged me to impact my fellow students, mentors, school, and society in a meaningful way—this would be my way of giving back. As part of that, I ran for a position in the Student Society, where I was honored to be elected president at one of the country’s most prestigious universities.

My inspiration for this book came during a visit to an orphanage in 2000. We took the kids to the Manila Zoo, and the child assigned to me was a mix of happiness and sadness. He asked me, with a sense of melancholy, why we only visited them during the Christmas season. His question stayed with me deeply, as I could feel his longing to be remembered outside of just the holidays. With a heavy heart, I explained to him that this visit was meant to inspire him to carry hope every day, not just at Christmas. Whether we were there or not, the spirit of kindness should live in his heart year-round.

After that, my friends—whom we affectionately called “Jocjoxs”—and I graduated. We went our separate ways, focusing on our careers and families. Yet, the memory of that child has never left me. The thought of how he’s doing now continues to linger in my mind and heart. So, I wrote this book, praying that he found a loving family, a successful career, and a life filled with hope. And that he remembers—just like all of us—that the spirit of Christmas should live in our hearts, not just during the holiday season.

The Symbolism I Used in This Book

1. The Initial Background of Maria and the Impoverished Community

This reflects the reality that not everyone is born into wealth—many people face struggles and hardships in life. Not everyone has access to good homes, luxurious lifestyles, or material possessions. This symbolizes poverty and the challenges people face. Education is one of the most powerful tools to break this cycle and improve one’s life. It doesn’t mean that if you’re born poor, you will remain poor forever. Just like Maria, you can reach for your dreams and never stop believing, no matter your circumstances.

2. The Karaoke and the Festive Season of Christmas

In the Philippines, Christmas celebrations begin as early as the “BER” months (September), making it a season of hope, happiness, and family bonding. Karaoke is a big part of this tradition, where families and friends gather to sing together, creating moments of joy. This symbolizes the strong bonds of family and friendship—showing that no matter your status in life, whether you sing on the streets or in your home, everyone can experience joy and togetherness during the festive season.

3. Nanay Dita’s Store

Nanay Dita’s store represents the sacrifices and kindness of my late grandmother. Her store was a place where she offered not just goods, but love and care. She gave freely to those in need, offering candies, food, and support to her family and others in the community. Her generosity became a symbol of selflessness and the importance of giving, no matter how little you have.

4. And So Much More

There are many more symbols throughout this book, which I carefully crafted as I wrote it, driven by my love for art and writing. These symbols are woven into the story to deepen the message and enrich the experience of readers.